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Armidale Boutique Accommodation

Intuitive Enquiries & Clean Design

A small accommodation brand specialising in the unique, Armidale Boutique Accommodation needed a clean, easy to use site.

The goal was here was to create a site that functioned well on both desktop and mobile, converting passers-by into bookings and boosting the brand's presence in the online world.

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Modern consumers want digital design that is slick, clean, and communicates a message. Armidale Boutique Accommodation's logo does just that - communicates what they're about better than words ever could.
The logo, combined with a layout and colour scheme that is easy to look at, welcomes people to the website and invites them to explore.

aba logo square

Enquiry Form

The primary purpose of the website is to encourage bookings. This is done through the enquiries form, which we ensured was easy for both our client and their customers to use.

To help manage bookings, we created a Booking Manager, accessible only by the client. Each of the enquiries would appear here and allow them to be confirmed quickly and easily.

reserve 2

Directions and Google Maps Integration

Another primary consideration was to show customers how to get to their accommodation.

To accomplish this, we created a feature-rich Getting Here page, including Google Maps integration with specific driving instructions.

directions s

Responsive Design

The site performs just as well (if not better) on a mobile phone. This ensures an easy process for the customer, meaning our client doesn't lose sales due to the prevalence of mobile technology - as of 2014, more people browse the internet on their phones than on a computer.

aba mobile