Online Forms
Custom online forms allow you to gain valuable insight into the thoughts of your visitors. Our form system allows the administrator to create anything from simple forms, right through to complex booking forms.
A good website is a fundamental tool in improving the bottom line for your business. It can lower staff costs by making tasks more efficient, increase revenue by allowing online purchases of your products, and even open you up to new, previously unconsidered markets through the borderless nature of the web. DelaneyDavidson offer a number of tools to facilitate this.
Custom online forms allow you to gain valuable insight into the thoughts of your visitors. Our form system allows the administrator to create anything from simple forms, right through to complex booking forms.
For any business dealing with customer accounts, a User Account system is the perfect addition to a website. Our User Account system allows users to login to the website, and manage their own accounts, changing their contact details, viewing past orders and receipts, and printing tax invoices.
A custom Event System is a great way of showcasing upcoming events on your website. An Event System can be integrated with Google Maps, Photo Galleries or a Booking System to drive interest in your events, and ultimately increase ticket sales or attendances.
Publishing blog posts or news articles to your site helps keep content fresh. Constantly updated content is the best way of ensuring repeat visitors, and is one of the simplest ways of providing information to your users. Our News and Blog module makes updating content easy, allowing you to keep your site relevant and recent.
We've developed systems to allow site users to download and share Resources. Resources can be PDF documents such as annual reports, images, or even video files. A Resource System can be used to provide files to the general public, or locked down to provide certain files only to certain User Accounts.
We've developed a number of photo galleries for our clients, each with slightly different requirements. We have created photo galleries simply showing the highlights of an event, right through to complex systems with social sharing, accessibility options and user tagging. Galleries are a great way of getting getting photos out through social media, and can help build backlinks, increasing your search engine rankings.
DelaneyDavidson has extensive experience working with Google Maps to create rich, custom, interactive maps for our clients. These maps come complete with overlays, and can be used to show shop locations, event locations or even directions. We can also wrap the interactive map in complex functionality, to provide vast information snippets about these locations.
If you've ever used a website like, you will understand how powerful an online petition can be at rallying support for a common goal. Our online petition system allows you to incorporate this funtionality into your own site, with your own custom features and branding.
Publishing a magazine online is not a case of just replicating the print design on a website - the two mediums are vastly different, and should be treated as such. DelaneyDavidson has experience creating powerful Online Publication systems, to ensure that the magazine content translates well into digital forms, and can be read and indexed effectively.